Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Top Seo Rules

white hat seo VS black hat seo
topi putih seo VS topi hitam seo

Studies show that more than 90% of all online users use search engines to find what they are looking for, whether products / services, or just plain old information. The following twelve points will, I hope, summarize a philosophy, approach and methodology to the SEO question which both the sound and effective, along with some help to give information about the industry itself.

1. useful content, useful content, useful content
Simple, Effective, professional, simple, optimized copywriting is the single, most important factor in SEO campaigns. Search engines index sites based on content found on every page of your site. With thorough understanding of the language and grammatical conventions combined with intensive research, to explore and utilize the keywords dibidik, can move the site to the top echelon of the "SERP's (Search Engine Results Page).

2. Analyzing Web Log.
Measure everything from your website, and then check to ensure there is no established procedure celah.Banyak website optimization more art than science. This is done to maintain records, and perform analysis on the web site log. There are some special software that makes the work more easily with a cheap price. No matter how well planned strategy, all that will be with the traffic and page rank site.

3. No one can guarantee # 1 ranking in Google, the search engine or directory and the other.
Those who pledge will be to optimize both the vague search term phrases (such as, "green stunted widgets with purple polka-dots and icing, Topi Putih Seo") that there is no certainty that a keyword is always searching through the search engine.

4. Some things just plain silly.
You do not need to submit your site to 80,000 search engine and directory. Remember that 90% of the search results on the Internet come from one search engine, which, if there is a link from a web site that was established, or even better, a directory, you will find the site are valid only on itself. Submit only your website on search engines large and you can enjoy 90% of internet traffic is.

5. SEO is not Pay-Per-Click.
Although no one will argue that the effectiveness of getting traffic and increase sales, through planning, pay-per-click campaigns, the fact remains that the conversion rate is low and they generally stop at the "pay" stops. Well planned and executed SEO campaign, while results may take a little longer, they continue to produce, and in fact grow, long after the work is done and paid. Often we have found that after a thorough optimization of a site, only a few of the necessary adjustments on an ongoing basis, particularly in relation to up date the new content and / or selling products or services.

6. Do-it-yourself SEO.
Yes, you can run your own SEO campaign and find a reputable SEO company to help plan and organize it for you. do discussions about the purpose and objectives of the business / your website, web site analysis comprehensively, a search phrase that comprehensive research, instruction and focuses on the ways and means to # 1 in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

7. Implementation stages.
While many companies spend thousands of dollars per month on Search Engine Optimization, an alternative is available that will pay dividends to you in increasing sales and leads without the high initial investment. The most important is the reputation the company has handled the beginning of the evaluation and optimization planning advice first. Evaluation methods search engine optimization and advertising costs, with or without the desired results.

8. Remember the old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
This is no more true than in the field of SEO. While concrete and measurable benefits will always come from a good idea and run with the optimal strategy. Internet is a competitive media and we all want to be number one. Receive a business move that is stable, over time, you need to place ideals, in order to focus on the purpose of your website in the future. Challenge to the strict line business growth and technical information of your website in the future. You are responsible for your site performance. Insist implement strategies and steps right.

9. All incoming links is not created equal.
Both the relevance to the business type and content of the website and the PR value of the incoming link determine how valuable their own PR ranking. With Google starting the trend, nothing new there, and most of the others following close behind, the days of grabbing all the inbound links, as much as possible, will be lost. Will not only be ranked low and / or irrelevant inbound links not help, they even cause a penalty. Link farms, free-for-all link schemes, automated link accumulation software, or a whim and do not carefully screen the links from the website they will come, in the long run, more good than harm.

10. There are more than just facts and figures.
The relationship between online business and SEO is, perhaps, one of the closest business relationships. To be effective, SEO Master, which not only need to know facts and figures related to employment and business, but he must know the main principles of internet business. Main principles in SEO is white hat SEO or Topi Putih Seo do not use Black Hat Seo or Topi Hitam Seo

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

5 search engine optimization rules Step's to Get Top 10 search engine resalt page

white hat seo VS black hat seo
topi putih seo VS topi hitam seo

1. Choose the right keywords for the web Search Engine Optimization (seo).
You must choose your keywords carefully. This is the most important step of Search Engine Optimization rules. Wrong or ineffective keywords mean legal and does not prejudice the position of search engine result page. You have to find popular keywords and phrases related to your business, then know search popularity and competition number of every keywords. Keywords with more popularity and less competition will be your targeted keyword phrase.

Promotion Keywords -
Overture -
Google - https: / / /
Wordtracker -

2. Optimize your website ranking factors.
After you select your keywords and keyword's analyzing specified keywords and specify your website, you must optimize your web site to improve search engine position. Ranking factors that are important including website title tags, description tags, keyword meta tags, title text, link url, link text, image alt, comment and web page content.
Each keyword frequency, weight, size, prominence and proximity all affect the ranking. You should optimize all these factors carefully. Top 10 ranking of the site content and ranking factors will help.


3. Submit url to search engine directories.
After search engine optimization page design, Submiting all your web site to Google, Yahoo, MSN, DMOZ and other major engines. Manual free submit url is recommend.
You can find top 588 search engine list with homepage, submit url address, alexa rank, google page rank, google inbound links and google including site pages.

4. Link Exchange and Manager.
Link popularity is the number of sites linking to your web site, and the method is very important to improve your site's relevance and position as many engines use this information as a ranking criteria. Both the quantity and quality of link popularity is very important. The best links are "relevant" links from web pages related to the keyword or topic.

5. Monitoring and ReOptimizing.
You frequently check the website's search engine positioning targeted keywords, if not satisfied with the results of the optimization ranking, you have to do Search Engine Optimization rules for achieving higher search engine ranking positions.

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Website Design VS Internet Marketing On Search Engine Optimization Rules

white hat seo VS black hat seo
topi putih seo VS topi hitam seo

Many internet marketing website or want to know more about search engine optimization process. web design company will have a search engine consultant who can explain all the details about this process. There are many companies that can make big promises, but if you want maximum results from your website, you should see the level of success the company is in search engine result pages and directories.

Many website design companies that make false promises to get money. If you want your site be ranked among the top sites on search engines, then you need to know about the basics, the principles of search engine optimization process. basic principle and very search engine to help you. If there is a company that speaks your website fast in the index by search engines, you must be a little careful of the web design company, as the company may use black hat seo techniques and this is not good for a period of your website. if the technique is black hat seo your site quickly rose in the search engine result page, but the website you are in the yellow light is presently banned in the search engines come to light if you use black hat seo. The Company can not control the ranking of their website in search engines because Most search engines use robots to spider website / blog on the internet.

One of the requirements is a good website user-friendly and has simple content and quality. If your website meets basic standards of the web, then you can be sure that you have followed the principles of basic rules of the search engine and website is in the likely sequence in which keywords your viewfinder will be achieved. If you contact the search engine consultants, you can ask them about their process and methods of work. This is better, although the process will take several to get the desired results, you can be sure of success opens the way for you
First in search engine optimization rules of good writing quality content for your site. avoid complex issues and

rack one's brains in the article web page. you can design your website with good, but if the content is not good, you can have the traffic to your website ugly.

When we talk about good contents, it should be grammatically correct and should avoid any of the complex . And the terms that is difficult to understand. In addition the content must be informative and entertaining at the same time to maintain the interest of the readers.

This will ensure that readers will come back to this site to get new knowledge. You can update the content websie from time to time. This is very important for search engine optimization. If the search engine robots see that you update the site regularly, they will soon be the site more than other sites. Web includes a good position penataan content. They will edit the content so that it will be important to compact and precise. No one likes to read long paragraphs. You should be careful about the spelling of text. Title page should be clear so that search engines can easily understand the content. You must follow search engine optimization rules to get the desired results.

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Tuntunan Google Webmaster Tools

white hat seo VS black hat seo
topi putih seo VS topi hitam seo
Saya rada kaget kemaren ketika mengecek google webmaster kemaren bahwa pencarian yang terjadi pada blog saya dengan keyword black hat tidak ada keyword yang lain. Padahal pengennya sih yang terkenal white hat seo.
Mungkin sudah terlalu banyak keyword white hat seo sehingga sulit menembusnya X ya. Tapi anehnya ketika saya cek di ternyata yang banyak membahas malah tentang black hat dari pada white hat seo. Kenapa bisa begitu ya?
Sebelum saya posting ini saya lihat di hasil search engine white hat seo cuma ada 800 an sedang black hat ada 22 ribuan. Apakah ini bertanda bahwa orang-orang indonesia lebih menikmati jalan topi hitam seo atau black hat seo dari pada topi putih seo atau white hat seo untuk duduk di peringkat teratas search engine result page?
Apakah memang benar-benar adanya bahwa orang indonesia itu sukanya instan cepat mendapatkan hasil walaupun bagaimanapun cara yang harus ditemppuh. Bagaimana pendapat anda?
Padahal setiap orang yang belajar seo saya yakin mereka tahu apa-apa saja kekurangan-kekurangan dan kelebihan-kelebihan antara black hat seo and white hat seo.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Cara Mengoptimalkah Keyword Sepi Pengunjung?

white hat seo VS black hat seo
topi putih seo VS topi hitam seo
Keyword adalah hal krusial dalam search engine optimization. Apakah anda sudah mendapatkan keyword/ kata kunci yang tepat untuk website anda? lalu bagaimanakah caranya untuk mendapatkan keyword yang bagus?
Keyword yang bagus adalah keyword yang sehati dengan anda misalkan tentang hobi anda/ hal-hal yang lagi anda senangi untuk saat ini jadi semangat anda masih tinggi dalam mempelajarinya.
Tools apakah yang bagus untuk mendapatkan keyword yang baik? kalau anda sedang kebingungan dan tidak sanggup untuk membeli wordtracker yang mahal anda bisa menggunakan layanannya yang gratis silahkan klik link topi putih seo dibawah ini:
Tools ini yang saya pakai untuk memaksimalkan keyword yang saya pilih cuma biasanya kalau anda memakai keyword dalam bahasa indonesia sebagian besar tidak ada datanya. Lalu bagaimana mengatasi hal tersebut?
Kalau keyword yang anda inginkan ternyata tidak terdapat dalam topi putih seo tersebut anda masih bisa menggunakan google search engine. Bagaimana caranya agar google benar-benar menampilkan jumlah kata yang kita inginkan? karena kalau kita mencari "topi putih seo" tanpa diapit oleh dua koma diatas (quote) kadang-kadang hasil pencariannya tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan. Agar pencarian google tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan maka kita harus memberi quote/ mengapit dua koma seperti contoh topi putih diatas.
Kalau anda sedang memaksimalkan keyword yang berkenaan dengan search engine optimization barangkali keyword-keyword dibawah ini bisa menjadi inspirasi anda dalam menentukan keyword tentang SEO. Berikut 10 keywords teratas tentang "search engine optimization":

1452Search Engine Optimization
297Search Engine Optimization Tutorial
249Search Engine Optimization Services
170Free Search Engine Optimization
163How Does Search Engine Optimization Work
147Search Engine Optimization Service Program
147Search Engine Optimization Specialist
134Define Search Engine Optimization
126Search Engine Optimization Rules
109Search Engine Optimization Software
98Seattle Search Engine Optimization
Lalu apa yang harus anda lakukan setelah menentukan keyword yang anda pilih? sekarang bukalah google search engine dan lihat seberapa besar persaingan keyword yang anda pilih. Pilihlah keyword banyak dicari tetapi sedikit website yang membahas maka anda mendapatkan apa yang dikenal dengan niche keyword. Sekarang cobalah bereksperiman dengan dua tool yang telah saya bahas diatas yaitu lewat free keywords dan google. Selamat bertarung di seo untuk mendapatkan traffic pengunjung website anda dan tetap menggunakan TOP SEO/ TOpi Putih SEO untuk kelangsungan hidup anda di dunia maya. Banyak pengunjung banyak penghasilan sepi pengunjung sepi penghasilan, betul ga?